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[Popcon-developers] popcon page renders like the old style of the main debian website

2013/12/27 Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org>:
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 12:41:28PM +0100, St?phane Blondon wrote:
>> Do you have to have increase the height a lot? Are There other
>> architectures not displayed?
> As an experiment, I have increased the height by 100px.
> [...]
> Now we have the same issue with "version in use"

Ok, I understand the problem.
Is it possible to not limit the height of the image (= the library
uses the size needed to write all the legend)? In such case, we could
do that and limit the displayed size by CSS. By adding a link on the
image, the user could click on it to watch the whole picture.
Could it be a good answer to the problem?

> I use libchart-perl, and I do not think such options exist.

You're right: I read quickly the API of libchart-perl and didn't find
such option (or equivalent).

Did you have time to check my demo about title on links attached to
the previous e-mail?

Have a nice sunday,
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