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[Popcon-developers] popcon page renders like the old style of the main debian website


2013/12/8 Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org>:
> OK, I have changed popcon.debian.org to use your script.
> I did not see any problem. Please check it is OK.

Thank you for the commit!
I checked the web pages and I didn't saw problems.

> Something we should fix is the line
> Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SPI; See license terms.
> I copied it from the old layout, and the intent was that it only applied
> to the part I copied, but it was not stated.
> (P.S.: Tell me if you prefer I do not CC you.)

Until the code rests under free software, I don't mind.
Please keep me in cc,  so I will know the final choice.

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Br?lez des arbres!!

-- envoy? depuis ma centrale ? charbon

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