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Re: RFD: Essential packages, /, and /usr

>>"Ian" == Ian Zimmerman <itz@speakeasy.org> writes:

 Manoj> Since you manage to forget context from message to message, I
 Manoj> guess it makes a weird kind of sense that now you attribute
 Manoj> statements like the above to your opponents.

 Ian> No, Manoj, it's you who missed the context here.


 Ian> He said "...when there are no problems."

 Ian> You said "That will never happen, therefore we should stop trying".

 Ian> He said "That doesn't follow".

	Full context:
Manoj>  do we want to stop codifying every little thing? 
Clint> When there are no more problems? 
Manoj> Then we should stop right here, since that is an impossible goal.
Clint> That doesn't necessarily follow.
Manoj> Yes, it does. There are never going to be no problems.

	I was asking if there was an exit criteria, and the proposed
 exit criteria was an impossibility.

 Ian> There'll always be wars and war crimes, does that mean we should stop
 Ian> trying to put in place laws forbidding them?

	False anology. We are talking about adding codicils to the
 law, constantly finagling to it, not prosecuting violations of
 current law.

 He who enters his wife's dressing room is a philosopher or a
 fool. Balzac
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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