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Re: RFD: Essential packages, /, and /usr

>>"Clint" == Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org> writes:

 >> What if the user puts "tripwire" or some other nice English word in the
 >> path, not knowing this is also a command in Debian? It's really hard to
 >> account for any of these weird scenarios...

 Clint> What if?  I also wouldn't expect, nor want, to have Debian
 Clint> package scripts trying to execute some random tripwire
 Clint> program.

	So why are you putting something in roots path ahead of the
 standard path unless you want it to be run?

 Clint> I can only imagine the tripwire package running tripwire in its
 Clint> postinst, and I should hope it knows the absolute path.

	I think that is a bug.

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