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Bug#53763: Objections continued

Well... either or...

Spell it out in the policy so that console apps provide a package that
doesn't DEPEND on xbase-clients... either by requiring two packages, on
that does and one that doesn't... or by encasing the required font-calls in
if statements like update-menus...

If either is written in, I gladly revoke my objections because I agree with
the concept... 

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html        <gecko@benham.net>           <><  *
* -------------------- * -----------------------------------------------*
* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *
* <gecko@debian.org> <secretary@debian.org> <lintian-maint@debian.org>  *
* <webmaster@debian.org> <gecko@fortunet.com> <webmaster@spi-inc.org>   *

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