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Bug#42432: debian-policy: Proposal for CTV for Draft for Proof of Concept for Draft for Proposal for Proposal for CTV for a CTV to decide on a proposal for a CTV for the CTV on whether or not we shoud have a CTV on the /usr/doc to /usr/share/doc transition now, or later.

Le Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 02:15:56AM -0700, Joseph Carter écrivait:
> I'm going to wait to see the reaction to this, however I wanted to say
> that I fully agree with you.  Debian at large is suffering from a "too
> many chiefs and not enough indians" syndrome.  Everything, EVERYTHING
> seems to need the approval of everyone.  If it doesn't, they want a vote.

I tend to agree too. I stopped reading the thread about this subject for
a good week, I don't think anything new/useful has been discovered since
... the only thing I heard was that the DPL may take the final decision.

What I want to say, it's that we don't need to discuss for ages on the
list, we need people that work on Debian. We need better boot disk, we
need people able to correct RCB ... we don't need dozens of people
arguing about how to do things ! While I fully agree that we need to 
keep our quality (including partial upgrade when possible), I don't think
that we may end up with a reasonable solution shortly.

I tend to think that working in litlle group is better. We are coordinating 
work on various little list without (much) problems but the Debian Policy
is something orthogonal to the rest, it affects all packages, and
everybody wants to say his word. That was ok when Debian was smaller but
we cannot longer continue in this way.

In a certain way, we need leaders that can take the decisions, but this is
something that people don't like because the usual rule is « The one who
does it is right ». But Policy is (again) something that cannot be really
worked on in the way we are used to, so there's no real leader for the
policy package. Manoj does only the (painful) job of transcripting the
decision taken by consensus on this list.

The only working solution I see is that we should have a group of
(known) developers that would decide in such difficult cases.

> Debian needs some people in charge of various things.  It should not be
> one person, else that one person would be burned out quickly because of
> flames from people who don't like the decisions.  Still, this bureaucracy
> we're creating is going to kill us in time.

It's difficult to grow without introducing rules ... but we really should
avoid bureaucracy when possible.

Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/

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