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Re: I'm sorry to open another can of worms but.. /usr/share/man transition

On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

> Debian currently has 10 thousand dependancies [1]. I was proposing 1
> additional dependancy per package with man page, which does *not* double
> that number. 2216 packages contain man pages.

So you want to add a dependency to all of those packages, because some old
package doesn't work with them? Following normal logic, I would say the
would have to have "Conflicts: man-db (< the_first_version_that_works)",

If package A doesn't work with versions of package B prior to x.y, and A
doesn't depend on B for other reasons, A shouldn't have "Depends: B (>=
x.y)", it should have "Conflicts: B (< x.y)" instead.

Other than that, it might be easier to just say "hey, if you are using
packages from different releases you are pretty much on your own".

rd1936: 10:55pm  up 48 days, 13:50,  7 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.49, 1.39

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