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Re: [PROPOSED] Change package relations policy to remove references to non-free from main

Previously Chris Waters wrote:
> The problem with the "Enhances" idea (which several people, including
> me, mentioned at the time) is that it puts the responsibility on the
> wrong package.

Yes and no. It's actually a nice addition to the current sent of
relations since we had no way for this kind of reverse relation.

It's true that for some of the existing relations replacing Suggests
with Recommends puts the responsibility on the wrong package. However
a reverse relation is the only way to completely remove references
to non-main packages from main, which is what this proposal is all
about. It's not all about design, there is a political message here
as well. We want to be able to have a completely free system and be
able to say "here, you can use this and you'll be happy. You don't
need anything that's not free at all". If we put weaken Suggest or
create a new weaker version of it we don't do that since we still
tell people that there are non-free packages that can improve things.


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