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Re: [forward] FHS pre-2.1 draft #3 on web site

Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es> writes:

> Sorry for the aol mode, but I fully agree.
> If the lack of /opt is not a bug, and no package in the system
> requires it, then I don't see the point in creating it.

I think we should create /opt because the FHS requires it, and
possibly /opt/README.debian if the FHS allows it, but nothing more.

Anything else that is created there is entirely the responsibility of
the sysadmin, and any use the system makes of things under /opt should
be at the sysadmin's discretion.  No Debian package should make
assumptions about what it might find there by default.

In other words ``There be Dragons''.  It is in the white uncharted bit
of our map, so if the sysadmin wants to go there, they'll have to fill
in the details as they go along.

Cheers, Phil.

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