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Bug#42052: PROPOSAL] /var/mail and /var/spool/mail

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 10:51:21AM -0600, Gordon Matzigkeit wrote:
> [...]
>  JC> I propose that we create a safe migration path between
>  JC> /var/spool/mail and /var/mail.
> I second this proposal.
> FWIW, I was hoping that an identical solution would be proposed for
> /usr/doc vs. /usr/share/doc, but the catch is that several packages
> have already moved to /usr/share/doc.  Perhaps if we could get them to
> declare dependencies on a newer base-files, we could solve the problem
> without too much sludge.

I'm opposed to this solution for /usr/share/doc simply because it's a
cop-out.  In the case of the mail spool it's necessary, but in the case of
doc directories?  The only thing I can see right offhand that REALLY needs
docs to be in one dir is apache's /doc symlink which many argue is a
security risk as it is.

Everything else could adapt like everything else has to manpages for
example.  In proposed solutions so far, any symlinks between directories
for /usr/doc are temporary.  /var/mail and /var/spool/mail are a permanent

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@debian.org>             Debian GNU/Linux developer
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