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Re: Debian conflicts with FHS on /usr/include/{linux,asm}

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

    Brian> Yes, the headers under /usr/include should match the
    Brian> current kernel version installed(using package managment of
    Brian> course).

    Manoj>         What do you mean by version? I have 6 kernel images
    Manoj> installed, and 3 kernel source pacakges. Which version is
    Manoj> the one that should be in there? What happens when I reboot
    Manoj> into a different version? What happens when I get a new
    Manoj> kernel source package?

For Joe Average User, I believe the latest kernel version installed
should be where /usr/include/linux and asm refer to. This makes the
least amount of pain, as most users do not have multiple kernels they
switch between.

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