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Re: Documentation as Software (was Re: PerlDL license)

>>"Bob" == Bob Hilliard <hilliard@flinet.com> writes:

Bob> A standard would become meaningless if anyone were allowed to
Bob> modify and circulate it freely.  These copyrights are clearly
Bob> appropriate for documents of this type.

Bob> I suggest that policy clearly state that standards may be
Bob> incorporated in the Debian distribution with copyrights that do
Bob> not conform to the DFSG, or that a section be added to the DFSG
Bob> permitting standards to prohibit modification.

	I think I tend to agree. The GPL itself, BTW, is not subject
 to the GPL. I think we need to add to the DFSG to specifically
 exclude standards (and define that we mean not executable text
 documents that would invalidate the document by changing it; and
 these include standards, the Licences, etc.

 In his '90 Usenix presentation, Dennis Ritchie reminded the audience
 that Steve Jobs stood at the same podium a few years back and
 announced that X-windows was brain-dead and would soon die.  "He was
 half-right.  Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks."
 Dennis Ritchie, coinventor of Unix, from an article in Unix Today
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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