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Re: policy violation and bug reports. - some resolution?

On Tue, Feb 24, 1998 at 10:22:51PM +0100, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> Let me just comment on one clear question I've seen in the discussion:
> Should game's score files be tagged as conffile? I think the answer is
> clear: `no'. 

Another check for lintian :-)  - everything in /var/lib/games is a score
file on my machine, and I'll bet most are conffiles and in the .deb -
certainly all of my packages are.

It would be nice to have something in the packaging manual spelling out how
to handle high-score files properly. Does this look correct?

  - don't include the file at all or mark it as a conffile
  - in the postinst, touch the file and set it's permission like this:

#!/bin/sh -e
touch $HS
chown root games $HS
chmod 0664 $HS

  - make the program setuid in the .deb file. Additionally, put this in the

#!/bin/sh -e
if [ -x /usr/sbin/suidregister ]; then
   suidregister -s package /usr/games/program root games 2755

and in the postrm:
#!/bin/sh -e 
if [ -x /usr/sbin/suidregister ]; then
   suidunregister -s package /usr/games/program root games 2755

  - in the postrm, if it is called with "purge", delete the high-score file:

#!/bin/sh -e
case "$1" in
        purge) rm /var/lib/games/package.score;;

This will teach me to package games rather than something more productive!


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