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Re: manpage for GNU utilities?

>>"Rob" == Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> writes:

Rob> What I would like to see considered for policy (because I'm
Rob> lazy), is that for packages that only have info pages, in lieu of
Rob> writing manpages (which may or may not actually happen), we have
Rob> a manpage info-documented.1.gz that says more or less

Rob> The documentation for package <foo> is available as info pages
Rob> under the following headings:

Rob> bar baz

Rob> The maintainer for the package can then just copy this page,
Rob> modify it to fit their package, and put in the relevant manpage
Rob> symlinks for "foo, bar, and baz".  Note that the Debian package
Rob> name should always be one of the symlinks.

Rob> Bad idea?

	Good Idea.

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