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Re: manpage for GNU utilities?


	Well, I can't argue with "Either we ship manual pages (then
 they have to be up-to-date) or we don't ship manual pages."

	However, is this not rather late in the development cycle of
 hamm to bring this up? Should we concentrate on getting hamm out
 before generating potentially lots of warnings (How many warnings are
 we talking about anyway?) which can't possibly be fixed before

	Also, this places extra burden on people who maintain GNU
 stuff like shellutls and file utils that contain lots of GNU sources
 with documentation in TeXinfo. It is often not easy to convert info
 sources to man pages.

	The bad part about that is that if we accept that those
 warnings are OK not fix before release, then we are diluting the
 utility of lintian.

	Hmm. Looking for violations. This takes ages. On my machine,
 that is 74 man pages that have to be written, and the bulk of the
 responsibility falls on a very few people.

	I I think we may do well to postpone this to after 2.0 is
 released, and then have people sent in a man page with every
 bug report.

	Yes, actually, if every bug report is accompanied by an
 uptodate man page, we need not wait until after 2.0.

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Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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