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RE: * Formal call for the removal of Bruce Perens *

On 26-Oct-97 Daniel J. Mashao wrote:
>On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, George Bonser wrote:
>> On 25-Oct-97 dc wrote:
>> > Enough is enough.
>> I disagree.
>I too disagree. I think there are probably more people who disagree than

Yeah, by ~20 to 1 so far.  I'd felt disinclined to contribute to this inane
thread, but seeing a post that does less than dismiss this idiocy out of
hand, prompts me to point out that the challenger (who hides behind a
psuedonym BTW) doesn't point to his list of contributions to the project,
but instead simply bitchs about stuff in which he demonstrates minimal
understanding and declines to propose any solution other than removal of
one of the projects demonstrably productive resources. 
>On the otherhand perhaps a distribution like Debian needs to have a
>registered list of users who wants to vote on policy matters. There are
>enough phyco's out there to make sure that groups such Debian do not

What's a phyco?  And why should users get to vote on policy?  I think
contributors should be the only parties with a right to any input.
>The call in itself is interesting because it brings to attention the
>potential for disruption that is inherent in the net. 

Especially for disruption by the noisy and non-contributing few!
>Now turning to another issue. I think what Bruce did concerning Debian CDs
>is understandable and rather difficult given the interest of commercial
>companies. Perhaps after a release number has been made further fixes
>should go into the release-number-updates dir as with bo.

Seems reasonable to me.
>Daniel J. Mashao -- 
>   daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za             http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel
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Ralph Winslow                 rjw@nac.net
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

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