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malsync/AvantGo + a few other things

Hi folks.

Just joined the list having bought a Palm IIIe on Friday.  Most impressed
with the number of Debian packages available.

J-pilot seems to be the best packaged.  Worked right out of the box.

What I'd really like to get going is malsync which allows you to grab
AvantGo channels which nicely format web pages for the Pilot.  On Windows
you install AvantGo and each time you sync it runs the AvantGo stuff and
grabs any pages you selected for download and installs them.


When I try to run malsync I get:
Unable to bind to port '/dev/pilot'.

(same if I set PILOTPORT to /dev/ttyS1)

I'm wondering if any of the packages I've installed for the Pilot grab and
hang onto the serial port.  I've installed all the Pilot related packages.

Ideally someone with more programming knowledge than me would package up
either malsync or the jpilot plug-in
(http://jasonday.home.att.net/code/syncmal/syncmal.html) which would make
my life enormously easier.  Compilers and me don't get on, hence I can't
compile up the jpilot plugin.

For now I've hacked up a _very_ dodgy script that runs once a day from
cron to grab the pages I want, convert them into the doc format and stick
them in the jpilot_to_install file.  The script runs the risk of having
two entries for each page if I don't sync every day, but that's not a huge

Ideally I could get jpilot to do it the same way AvantGo works on Windows
and grab the pages as I sync.  I have a cable modem so speed isn't an
issue and that's the way it works on Windows anyway.  Is there some way to
get jpilot to run an arbitrary script whenever you hit sync?

Anyway for people interested, here's my dodgy script that runs once a day.
No error trapping, sends me nasty outputs by email each day but whatever.
(no quiet mode in dtk and I wanna know if it doesn't work :(


dtk -I HTML http://www.spraci.com/cgi-bin/listings.cgi?sydney -t "SPRACI"
echo "/home/simonr/bin/listings.pdb" >>/home/simonr/.jpilot/jpilot_to_install
dtk -I HTML "http://slashdot.org/index.pl?light=1&noboxes=1";
echo "/home/simonr/bin/index.pdb" >>/home/simonr/.jpilot/jpilot_to_install
dtk -I HTML "http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDF00N00.txt"; -t "Weather"
echo "/home/simonr/bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDF00N00.pdb" >>/home/simonr/.jpilot/jpilot_to_install

Are there any non "wannabebillgateswithoutowningthedistribution" (AKA
shareware) document readers for the Pilot?  Currently using iSilo but
would rather something free in both senses of the term.

Rev Simon Rumble       The Roman Rule:
simon@rumble.net       The one who says it cannot be done should never
http://www.rumble.net  interrupt the one who is doing it.

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