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Re: malsync/AvantGo + a few other things

On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 04:09:22PM +1000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> What I'd really like to get going is malsync which allows you to grab
> AvantGo channels which nicely format web pages for the Pilot.  On Windows
> you install AvantGo and each time you sync it runs the AvantGo stuff and
> grabs any pages you selected for download and installs them.

I have packaed sitescooper (http://sitescooper.cx) for debian.  It
hasn't made it in yet, but you can find the packages in
http://incoming.debian.org ... or, get even more recent ones at

It does something similar, but does it on NAY site, not just AvantGo
sites.  It also has a converter for AvantGo files.  It sets the files
up with whatever pilot manager you use.  I use JPilot and iSilo
formatted docs.  

Oh yeah, I have a deb for the iSiilo386 converter on my site too.  it
isn't free, so it isn't in yet.

> I'm wondering if any of the packages I've installed for the Pilot grab and
> hang onto the serial port.  I've installed all the Pilot related packages.

JPilot does not  It just uses pilot-link in the background.

-- michael d. ivey, chief thinker  --- <ivey@gweezlebur.com> -----------
------ gweezle bur poetry manufacturing  <http://gweezlebur.com> -------
"How did a fool and his money get together?"                       -anon

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