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Re: gcc, binutils, etc?


Stuart Parmenter <pavlov@innerx.net> writes:
> I'm trying to figure out exactly what is needed to compile programs
> under debian (hamm or slink) for 3com palm pilots.
> Everything I have read sucks, so I was hoping someone here could
> help me out.

Indeed, there are not a lot of simple, straightforward docs about
using and programming the Pilot under Unix yet -- once you know what's
going on it's not bad, but it can be a bit difficult to get started.
There is a LDP Pilot-HOWTO, but it does not cover all the currently
available applications, and does not have much detail on the
programming side of things.

By the way, I highly recommend subscribing to the pilot-unix mailing
list (mail subscription requests to pilot-unix-request@lists.best.com)
and the newsgroups on news.massena.com.

> I am trying to keep my system as .debized as possible, so .deb's of
> the stuff would be awsome!  From what I can see, I need a cross
> compiler, a different binutils, and some rc and asm stuff?

You need the prc-tools, as well as pilrc... xcopilot would probably be
useful too (although it doesn't work with the 3.0 debug ROM yet).
They aren't packaged yet (except for xcopilot, which is in hamm) --
that's what is being discussed in another thread on this list -- and
it might be a while because it is not a trivial task to build them
into a package.

For now, just building them yourself is not all that difficult,
provided you get the right versions of gcc/binutils/gdb.  (The
versions must be exact, since the prc-tools kit is in the form of a
patch... maybe someday this stuff will be part of the main gcc tree,
but it isn't yet.)  I did it myself on a bo system last year, and
except for the large amount of disk space and time required, it wasn't
bad at all.  (This stuff is one of the last remaining vestiges of
libc5 on my system now... I'm not about to rebuild it again :-)

The prc-tools, along with many other Pilot-related things, are at

Good luck,
- --Rob

- -- 
Rob Tillotson  N9MTB			Internet: rob@io.com
  The Magickal PalmPilot -- http://www.io.com/~rob/mpp/
  CQ Codeworks Palmtop Software -- http://www.io.com/~rob/cq/

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