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Looking for new maintainers for liblinux-kernelsort-perl and liblwp-authen-negotiate-perl

Dear Debian Perl folks,

many years ago I started maintainning the above two Perl packages
in Debian and updated them for some years.

I'm afraid now has come the time to admit that I don't put any effort into
maintaining those packages lately as I simple don't use much Perl anymore
and my focus at work as well as in my spare time has shifted far away.
Thanks to Gregor Herrmann for taking care of liblwp-authen-negotiate-perl
a while back.

So I would like to ask if anyone here would be interested to take care
of the following two packages:

liblinux-kernelsort-perl - Perl module for sorting Linux Kernel version strings

This didn't get any upstream changes anymore in years and I don't
think there every will be any. I guess it's "finished" and only needs
polishing on the Debian side of things or - if that seems more
approriate for todays point of view - can be removed from the archive.
According to popcon 16ish people might mind.

liblwp-authen-negotiate-perl - Perl module for GSSAPI based Authentication Plugin for LWP

There seems to be now new developments either but this lib might still
be handy when dealing with kerberized HTTP servers. Maybe there or
newer/better libs available today.

Thank you for your work and stay safe!

Kind regards
They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety.  (Ben Franklin)

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