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Re: libexcel-template-plus-perl

Hi Jame

On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 06:09:15AM -0400, Robert James Clay wrote:
>   I am working on getting Excel::Template::Plus into Debian as the
> package libexcel-template-plus-perl.  Salvatore Bonaccorso recently was
> kind enough review my efforts so far and one of the things he noted was
> as follows:  "Missing dependencies on libmoose-perl".
>   That's easy enough to do but I'm wondering if it still needs to be
> listed explicitly when the (admittedly, new) package
> libmoosex-param-perl, which also depends on it, is already listed?

If I see it correctly, 'use Moose;' is used directly in the code, thus
it needs a direct dependency. Assume (even unlikely)
Excel::Template::Plus would drop the libmoosex-param-perl dependency,
then when reevaluating the dependencies you would need anyway to add
it back again.

As 'basic rule': if a module is used directly in the code, then it
also should be listed in dependency.

Note: I only have done a 'git grep 'use Moose;' to check, but not if
it is then actually used.

Does this brings some clarification?


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