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Re: Advice on handling a major upload

On 01/01/2012 06:47 PM, Ernesto Hernández-Novich wrote:
I believe it is a good idea to have two packages, webgui and webgui8.
WebGUI 7.10 will have maintenance and support at least for six months
after WebGUI 8 becomes oficially stable. The webgui package has been
working in Sid for over a year now (I have several production
installations) and I'm hoping will be available in wheezy. But I'm not
sure what will be the proper and practical way to handle webgui8.

Will you be able to support webgui7 for the entire release cycle? It should get at least backported security fixes that anything network-facing seems to need from time to time until it leaves oldstable, so about three years after the release, or 3.5-4 years starting from the freeze.

Do you want to maintain both webgui(7) and webgui8 at the same time? Should users upgrade from webgui(7) to webgui8? If so, I think keeping the package name would be better. You can keep webgui8 in experimental (and as a branch in your VCS) until you think it is ready for an upload to unstable and replace webgui7 there.


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