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Re: Problems with dh-make-perl and reportbug / Two wrong ITP

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:00:14 +0200, Julien VAUBOURG wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 20:41:23 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:57:06 +0200, Julien VAUBOURG wrote:

>>Why dh-make-perl don't find them?
>Probably either (a) you don't have apt-file installed, or (b) haven't
>run 'apt-file update' as root recently.
$ apt-file search FollowPBP.pm
libmoosex-followpbp-perl: /usr/share/perl5/MooseX/FollowPBP.pm
So, my apt-file is up to date. My dh-make-perl comes from the
testing depo while my system is on stable, it's my only peculiarity.
Bof, I don't understand.

Hm, weird.

I thought that it's maybe not in stable, but:

$ rmadison libmoosex-followpbp-perl
 libmoosex-followpbp-perl | 0.04-1 | squeeze | source, all
 libmoosex-followpbp-perl | 0.05-1 | wheezy  | source, all
 libmoosex-followpbp-perl | 0.05-1 | sid     | source, all

Maybe it's somehow about dh-make-perl --dist option?

With --dist squeeze I've the same result.

With --dist sid I've : "Please install 'apt-file' package and run
'apt-file update'". So my APT contents are loaded in the other case.

And with only --dist I've "Unknown option: dist".

My dh-make-perl version: 0.73-1


- apt-file update can be executed with the normal user
- dh-make-perl is executed with the normal user
- BUT with dh-make-perl, apt-file update DOES be executed with the super user

Mystery resolved!

Thanks for your help :).


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