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Re: Problems with dh-make-perl and reportbug / Two wrong ITP

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:14:52 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
Здраво!  (Bosnian for "Hi" :) )

Здраво Damyan :)

-=| Julien VAUBOURG, Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 06:06:32PM +0200 |=-
When I try to use dh-make-perl on Curses::Toolkit, I have this
message :

Needs the following modules for which there are no debian packages av
   - Tie::Array::Iterable
   - MooseX::FollowPBP
   - IO::Pty::Easy

Tie::Array::Iterable is indeed not in the repo, and I packaged it

But MooseX::FollowPBP and IO::Pty::Easy are in the repo:

Why dh-make-perl don't find them?

Probably either (a) you don't have apt-file installed, or (b) haven't
run 'apt-file update' as root recently.

Seems to work just file here:

+ MooseX::Has::Sugar  found in libmoosex-has-sugar-perl
+ aliased  found in libaliased-perl

Needs the following debian packages during building:
libtest-simple-perl (>= 0.94), libtest-exception-perl,
libio-pty-easy-perl, perl, libaliased-perl
Needs the following modules for which there are no debian packages available:
 - Tie::Array::Iterable

$ apt-file search FollowPBP.pm
libmoosex-followpbp-perl: /usr/share/perl5/MooseX/FollowPBP.pm

So, my apt-file is up to date. My dh-make-perl comes from the testing depo while my system is on stable, it's my only peculiarity. Bof, I don't understand.

In addition, when I use reportbug, I have this problem:

  Querying Debian BTS for reports on wnpp (source)...
  Unable to connect to Debian BTS; continue [y|N|?]?

I think it's the step where reportbug checks if the package exists
or not...

Probably a network outage somewhere. It tries to browse the existing
bugreports so that you don't file a duplicate.

With these two problems combined, I made two mistakes. These ITP
reported today are wrong:

  Bug#635509: ITP: libmoosex-followpbp-perl -- Name your accessors
get_foo() and set_foo()
  Bug#635510: ITP: libio-pty-easy-perl -- Easy interface to IO::Pty

Close them, explaining that they were mistakes. Closing of bugreports is
described in the documentation on http://bugs.debian.org/ There is a
lot of it
and is a bit unorganised, so if you need more help, you know what to do :)


It is enough to send an email to nnn-done@bugs.debian.org...

Thanks for your help.


Envoyé via un serveur personnel, hébergé dans mon appartement et relié au réseau par un FAI participatif. Je suis le seul à pouvoir consulter mon courrier ; et vous ?
* http://julien.vaubourg.com
* lemanchotvolant@jabber.fr
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