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Re: Perl (and other) packaging talk on FOSDEM

Hello Gabor,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 02:24:47PM +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> > 10 min someone from Fedora, hello Fedora people. Is there going
> >    to be someone from the Perl team on FOSDEM?

unfortunately, neither Marcela nor I can come.

I hoped to discuss with you recent changes in Fedora perl in rawhide,
when we rearranged the paths in @INC array:

1)  they are much shorter and more FHS-conformant, inspired by debian;
2)  we are trying to have privlib=vendorlib and archlib=vendorarch, all
    these modules are rpm-managed anyway

We noticed recently that point 2) somehow conflicts with
Module::Install and we have yet to resolve it.

While we are busy with this, I'd realy enjoy some brainstroming
around these ideas.  But *because* we are so busy, we cannot afford
spend time going to FOSDEM.

Another theme for brainstorming would be about libperl.so.
Traditionally, it is burried deep in the perl tree, while from the
packaging view, it would be much nicer if it lived in the standard
libdir, /usr/lib{,64}, with the version number being part of the
soname.  That change wouldn't mean anything for packaging CPAN
modules, but would help with packages that link against libperl
(i.e., contain embedded perl): these packages could than make use of
automaticaly generated dependencies for dynamic libraries.

As you can see, I'm more on the packaging bank than the Perl one, but
I think I can also contribute to building the bridge from that side.

Anyway, I have to skip this opprtunity for non-virtual meeting, but
I'll be happy to read the proceedings/blog entries that come out of
the event.

	Stepan Kasal

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