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Reply to some questions about Config::Model package


While packaging Config::Model for Debian in libconfig-model-perl, I
got some questions from Gregor. Since the answer to the first question
might interest other people, I've used both debian-perl and
config-model user lists

Here we go:


>   - /usr/bin/config-edit sounds like a very generic name; is it
>   needed (under /usr/bin/)? should it be renamed?

config-edit is indeed a very generic name. That's because
Config::Model is also a generic framework. As a framework,
Config::Model is able to edit any kind of (well, most of)
configuration file provided (here's the rub) that a model is

The specialisation of config-edit command will be done with the -model
option. [1]

So far, the only model worth talking about are the sshd_config and
ssh_config model [2] . With these model, users will be able to edit
/etc/ssh/sshd_config with the following command:

  config-edit -model Sshd

As syntactic sugar, a config-edit-sshd and config-edit-ssh commands
will be provided so the user will be able to see what models are
available with config-edit[TAB]. 

If some model provider choose not to provide this king of "sugar"
command, the user will habe to type "config-edit -mode Foo".

Eventually, config-edit will be able to propose the user to select one
of the model available on his system, but this feature is rather low
priority on my TODO list.

>   - Build.PL talks about Term::ReadLine::Perl or Term::ReadLine::Gnu; should
>     they be in Suggests?

Yes. You're right.

I have another question, config-edit is much easier to use with the
Gui (or the Curses interface). I still need to package these modules
for Debian. Is it acceptable to "Recommend" package which are not yet
available ? Or should I wait for them to be available before adding
them in the Recommends list of libconfig-model-perl ?

Thanks for your help

[1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Config-Model/config-edit
[2] http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/Config-Model-OpenSsh-0.104/

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