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including non-perl resource files


I have arrived to the point in Padre that I started to add a toolbar
that required the use of external .xpm files.
This brought me to the general question on how to install files that are
not .pm nor executables and how to play nice with the downstream distros.

Actually similar question could be asked regarding example files
it would be nice to have them installed when people are using CPAN.pm
but also to make it easy for downstream distros to find them.
Even test files could be installed for later execution.

As far as I know there is no standard way in Perl/CPAN for this.

Johan Vromans suggested the following options on the Wx list:

 - put the data in a .pm, and load it.
 - put the data in a subdirectory below your modules, and use @INC to
   find it.
 - File::HomeDir and File::ShareDir are good alternatives, although
   they are not widely supported yet.

What is your take on the whole issue?
How do you deal with this issue in current CPAN modules that include
other files?
What would be the ideal for you?


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