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Re: RFS: webgui -- Content management platform to maintain complex web sites

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:31:40 -0430, Ernesto Hernandez-Novich wrote:

> I believe the package is ready to go into Debian (lintian too :-), so I'm asking for a
> sponsor to check it and upload; 

I took a short look at the package, and indeed I do have some
questions/comments :)

* debian/rules:
  When the package is built with -j X the install-stamp target is run
  twice; binary-arch is mandated by policy 4.9
  --> attachment rules.diff
  Just curious: is there a possibility to run the tests at build
  time? And what's the reason for installing them in the binary

* lintian is not as happy as it could be:
  webgui source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.3 (current is 3.8.0)   
  (please also add a debian/README.source)

  webgui: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/webgui/t/Utility/
  webgui: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/webgui/upgrades/packages-7.4.23/
  I guess this is ok, maybe you can add a lintian override
  webgui: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/webgui/upgrades/upgrade_7.4.40-7.5.16.pl
  Probably ok too, also a candidate for a lintian override

* debian/copyright:
  You have to add the copyright for all third-party stuff; I've seen
  that you don't install it any more but it's still in the source
  package (the .orig.tar.gz) which is also distributed by Debian.
  (tinymce, yui, ...)

* debian/postrm:
  Not sure about that one: As an admin I don't like it when packages
  remove their logs; but maybe there is some consensus/policy on that

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