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advice on package containing both .pm & .pl

[please cc me, I'm not subscribed]

hi debian-perl, I hope this is the right list (rather than say mentors),

I'm packaging buffycli, which is a text mode alternative to buffy. It is
comprised of one perl module Buffy::CLI, and one script.  It depends on
libbuffy-perl which is built from swig (and somewhat a black box as far as
I'm concerned)

buffycli is not on cpan and I am the upstream author.

I've changed my mind 6 times about the best way to package this.  The perl
policy is helpful about how to package perl modules, and how to package
scripts, but I can't see clearly what to do if there are both.

As I see it, there are two options:

1. create two packages, one libbuffy-cli-perl which just contains the perl
module and I can build pretty easily with dh-make-perl, and the other
package containing the script itself, which depends on the first package

2. build one package and don't do the pm the normal way, but just install
the script into /usr/bin, and the module into /usr/share/perl5/

1. seems like overkill but technically more correct and in line with policy?
2. seems much less complicated but potentially not correct?

if there's an obvious solution I'm missing, or an example package(s) that
does what I want that I can copy that would be aces.

disclaimer:  I haven't made perl packages before.


/* ---------------------------------------------------
Penny Leach | http://she.geek.nz | http://mjollnir.org
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