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Re: DM and pkg-perl (alternative proposal)

Damyan Ivanov dijo [Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:11:04PM +0000]:
> > This comes a bit late, but I think a more liberal policy would
> > suit the existing pkg-perl spirit better: all packages with the
> > XS-DM-Upload-Allowed field should become free for all pkg-perl DMs to
> > upload. This would make the procedure much lighter.
> My problem with this are DMs that happen to be in a pkg-perl package's
> Uploaders and that weren't advocated by pkg-perl members.

Umh... I am still not sure about what I think on this topic ;-) Dam:
It's been shown over and over that you are more paranoid than me, and
I do welcome that - but still, here is my point:

When you and I were accepted as DDs, we were accepted on an
all-or-nothing basis. And still, any person in the situation you are
describing here would be passing two filters first: They have to have
commit access to our group (which, I acknowledge, is not too high a
bar to set - but still, we could change our inner processes), and they
have to be accepted as DM (which, although by far not as hard as
becoming DDs, is not an automatic task at all).

I really doubt this will end up in a net liability. In fact, I'm much
more wary of just giving commit access to our SVN tree. Why? Because
uploading a package to unstable (even with urgency set to extreme) can
do quite a bit of damage, although it should not really hamper any
Debian resources (or credibility, for that matter, as unstable is
supposed to be... well, unstable). However, people with SVN access
_can_ do long-term harm to our project, either by systematically
introducing bugs (which, yes, would be quite noticeable, but still),
or even worse, by wiping our whole tree (which I understand is a
possibility whenever you have commit access).

I think that over-elaborating on rules to allow or restrict who can
upload what, which XS fields to use and the rules on the Uploaders
field's handling is a net waste of energy...


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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