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Re: libxml-libxml-xpathcontext-perl_0.07-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Joey Hess wrote:
Alexis Sukrieh wrote:
So the question is: must we _always_ apply the Perl policy for naming
packages, or can we bypass that policy when the name becomes rdeundant
like here?

A while ago I suggested allowing perl module packages to be named other
than as the policy requires, as long as they also provided the name
required by the policy. This never happened, but I still think it's a
good idea for cases like this one.

Hmm, that sounds interesting.

If we end up with uploading that package again (I've contacted the upstream authors in order to see if it's worth packaging it outside libxml-libxml-perl), I'd like to implement this.


Alexis Sukrieh
    0x1EE5DD34                                    sukria@debian.org

The real glory of maintainership isn't making the big and important
decisions. The real glory lies in all the small stuff that doesn't
really matter, and that people will just argue forever.

                                                  -- Linus Torvalds

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