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Re: Pile of Perl package to give away


Am Dienstag, den 04.10.2005, 15:09 -0300 schrieb Daniel Ruoso:
> I like the solution used by java-package, with a script named make-jpkg
> that takes a JVM distribution file and creates a Debian Package that you
> dkpg -i it.
> I'd prefer such solution instead of managing CPAN as a repository.

Well, what you are proposing there required to get the thing done that I
want (kind of like dpkg and apt). But as long as a user can install a
module with half a dozen of dependencies from CPAN with "cpan
Some::Module", he won't use the "wget/make-cpan-pkg/search for
dependencies/repeat" thing. Note that java packages don't have these

But of course, a make-cpan-pkg would be great, and with that, one might
look into creating apt-cpan. (Not that intend to create any of these in
the near future. So anyone, go ahead :-))

One killer feature apt-cpan could have over cpan is that it can detect
that a dependency is already packaged in debian and then get it from
there, improving the quality of your local perl module zoo, but
minimizing the number of non-official self-compiled packages.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: joachimbreitner@amessage.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

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