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Re: [Cpanplus-devel] Advice requested; Automatic building of debian packages from CPAN modules

On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 01:58:57PM +0100, Jos I. Boumans wrote:
> >>They can.  I believe you want to look at "Replaces".
> >>http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s- 
> >>replaces
> Is it save to 'replace' a file, even if the client installing it  
> doesn't have it yet?

Yes.  You're just declaring a relationship.

> >So there is nothing preventing someone updating a core module with a
> >new, more recent, version in a separate package.
> Except if their target install dir is "PERL", which i think the rules  
> override, but i'm not sure
> -- they set DESTDIR=vendor (schwern?)

Packagers should set INSTALLDIRS=vendor overriding whatever the module
wants to do.  That's what vendor is for.  Debian does this.

If you haven't already, have a read through the Debian Perl Policy.

> If you look at the failure, you'll see it was actually a script though  
> that failed to
> install, and i'm afraid they all go into the same bin dir...

Yeah, executables are the problem.  On Debian INSTALLSITEBIN is 
/usr/local/bin but INSTALLBIN and INSTALLVENDORBIN both go into /usr/bin.  
As a packager you should use the vendor directories so you will have
conflicts.  In these cases I think "Replaces" is the way to go.


I believe simply setting "Replaces: perl-modules, perl-base, perl" in any
CPAN module which has a default INSTALLDIRS of "perl" should do the trick.

perl-modules says it replaces libtest-harness-perl which is ok.  It declares
that it conflicts with libtest-harness-perl << 2.40-1 (ie. the version it
contains).  I don't think this should cause a problem.

Michael G Schwern        schwern@pobox.com  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
You don't need the bullet when you got the ballot.
        -- George Clinton

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