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Re: Scratching my head over Makefile.PL

>>>>> "Dirk" == Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> writes:
    Dirk> But the only result I get is that during debian/rules
    Dirk> binary, it still want to touch /usr/bin. Ie, PREFIX gets
    Dirk> dropped no matter what I do.

Hmm, the contents of EXE_FILES gets installed to INST_SCRIPT
(blib/script by default).  On install the contents of INST_SCRIPT gets
installed to INSTALLSCRIPT ($(PREFIX)/bin by default).  Can you send
me the Makefile you're using?

    Dirk> Would anyone know of a Debian package using EXE_FILES for
    Dirk> that? I had a look at perl-tk but it has a rather large and
    Dirk> complex Makefile.PL ...

Yah, it's out there.  Try freewrl instead.


"And what do we burn apart from witches?"... "More witches!"

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