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Perl policy / dh_perlcheck


I've slightly updated the perl policy in order to enable some good things
like automatic detection of the good perl dependency and like beeing able
to recompile for another perl with a line like this one :
PERL=perl-5.004 debian/rules binary

I've also added the INSTALLARCHLIB path in the Makefile.PL options since
otherwise it's derived from INSTALLPRIVLIB (by adding the archname) and
that will generate a bad path /usr/lib/perl5/$archname/ ...

In order to simplify the detection of the perl dependency I've written
a dh_perlcheck perl script that will be included in debhelper.

Any comments are welcomed,
Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/
<!doctype debiandoc system>
<title>Debian Perl policy
<author><name/Raphaël Hertzog/ <email/hertzog@debian.org/

This document explains how perl stuff is packaged within Debian.

<copyright>Copyright 1999 by the Debian Project
This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as /usr/doc/copyright/GPL in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.


<chapt>General view of perl stuff on a Debian system

<p>Debian has decided to enable developers to have more than one perl on 
their system. You can have perl-5.004 and perl-5.005. However only one version
of perl will be officially blessed at a time. This official version should
be used to build all perl modules. The current policy is to bless the more
recent perl available in Debian. The official perl will always be available 
under /usr/bin/perl. Older perls will be available as /usr/bin/perl-$version.

<p>This choice has many consequences on how modules and perl itself are 
packaged. You'll find all the details in the following chapters.

<chapt>How perl itself is packaged

<p>Each perl-$version source package will build at least 
perl-$version-base, perl-$version, perl-$version-doc, 
perl-$version-suid and perl-$version-debug. 

<p>You can also have things like perl-$version-thread or
   perl-$version-libperl (or libperl-$version) depending
   on the perl version and on the motivation of the perl
   maintainer. :-)

<p>As perl-5.004 and perl-5.005 may be installed at the same time, 
the files must be installed in versionned directories so that one package 
does not overwrite the other's files. But they should cooperate so that
the man page refers to the good version of perl (/usr/bin/perl) and so that
/usr/bin/perl will always be the latest perl.

<p>Perl should always look for modules in /usr/lib/perl5 as it's the 
   standard directory used for installing non-binary perl modules.


<p>A Debian system must always have a working /usr/bin/perl as it's used
by postinsts and by numerous scripts called from postints like 
adduser, update-alternatives and so on.

<p>To achieve this goal, a perl-$version-base package must
always be installed. That's the reason why the fake package perl-base
is essential and depends on perl5-base that is provided by all
perl-$version-base packages.


<p>This is the standard perl package containing all the modules
shipped with the perl sources. It should provide perl5 so that
perl scripts do not need to worry about which perl-$version is the
current one. It does depend on perl-$version-base as it does not 
provide the perl binary.

<chapt>Packaging perl modules

<sect>Recommendations for all modules

<p>First, if you package a module Foo::Bar you should call your
package libfoo-bar-perl.

<p>In order to configure your perl module you can use something like this :

<p>At the top of debian/rules :
ifndef PERL
PERL = /usr/bin/perl

TMP     =`pwd`/debian/tmp
archlib =`$(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{installarchlib}'`
config  =INSTALLDIRS=perl INSTALLMAN1DIR=$(TMP)/usr/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=$(TMP)/usr/man/man3 INSTALLPRIVLIB=$(TMP)/usr/lib/perl5 INSTALLARCHLIB=$(TMP)$(archlib)

And in the build target :

$(PERL) Makefile.PL $(config)
make CFLAGS="-O2 -g -Wall"

<p>And for installing the module in the tree :

make pure_install

<p>Be sure to remove .packlist file installed automatically. You can
add those lines for example :

find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type f -name .packlist | xargs -r rm -f
find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir -p --no-fail-on-non-empty

<sect1>Managing perl dependencies automatically

<p>As you may have noticed, we do not have hardcored any specific
perl version in the build process but the package may have to
depend on a specific perl version (generally the version that has been
used to build it). In order to never hardcore any perl version, we'll
try to use a substitution. Instead to write "perl-5.005" or "perl5"
in the control file we'll use "${perl:Depends}" and the build process
will add a line "perl:Depends=what_is_needeed" to the substvars file.

<p>In order to generate this substitution you can use dh_perlcheck
that is provided with debhelper. Or you can manage that yourself
by adding the good lines in your rules file. 

<p>If you want to know the version of perl that you're currently
using for the build you can use something like that :
version = `$(PERL) -e 'printf "%.3f", $$]'`

<sect>Non-binary perl modules

<p>They must be installed in /usr/lib/perl5 and must depend on perl5.

<sect>Binary perl modules

<p>They must be installed in /usr/lib/perl/$version/$arch-linux and
must depend on perl-$version.

<p>You may want to provide a threaded version of the module which will
be installed in /usr/lib/perl5/$version/$arch-linux-thread. You
can provide the threaded module in the same package or in another
package called libfoo-bar-perl-thread.

<p>The binary modules must always be built with the latest perl 
available in Debian. You can build the module for an older version of perl
but in that case you must call the module package accordingly by
specifying the perl version at the end of the package name 
(ie libfoo-bar-perl-5.004).

<chapt>Packaging perl scripts

<p>This is very simple, perl scripts should always use /usr/bin/perl
and should depend on perl5. At the present time you cannot setup
a versionned dependency on perl5 as dpkg doesn't support this.
However you can be sure that perl5 is >= 5.004.05. If you really 
need to make sure that you have perl5.005 then you should depend 
on perl-5.005 (and here you can use a versionned dependency). But
you'll have to update your dependency when perl-5.006 comes out 
and so on, so it's not very convenient.

<p>Take care to include any dependency on a perl module as they are
not automatically detected by the standard tools like the libraries
are. Lintian may warn you about such problems.

<p>If the script does have very special needs such as a specific version
of perl then you'll need to use #!/usr/bin/perl-5.004 (I take 5.004 as
an example but you should replace 5.004 by whatever old version of perl
you are needing) and you'll need to add a dependency to perl-5.004. If
it does furthermore request some binary modules then you'll need to
package thoses modules especially for perl-5.004 instead of
the latest perl (beeing perl-5.005 or whatever else). Those
modules packaged for old perls will have to add the perl version
in their package name. For a module Foo::Bar, instead of calling
the package libfoo-bar-perl you'll have to call it 

                            Debian Perl policy

                   Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>




     This document explains how perl stuff is packaged within Debian.


     Copyright 1999 by the Debian Project

     This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
     option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it
     will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
     the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU
     General Public License is available as /usr/doc/copyright/GPL in the
     Debian GNU/Linux distribution.


Table des matières

     1.        General view of perl stuff on a Debian system

     2.        How perl itself is packaged
     2.1.      perl-$version-base
     2.2.      perl-$version

     3.        Packaging perl modules
     3.1.      Recommendations for all modules
     3.2.      Non-binary perl modules
     3.3.      Binary perl modules

     4.        Packaging perl scripts


1. General view of perl stuff on a Debian system

     Debian has decided to enable developers to have more than one perl on
     their system. You can have perl-5.004 and perl-5.005. However only one
     version of perl will be officially blessed at a time. This official
     version should be used to build all perl modules. The current policy
     is to bless the more recent perl available in Debian. The official
     perl will always be available under /usr/bin/perl. Older perls will be
     available as /usr/bin/perl-$version.

     This choice has many consequences on how modules and perl itself are
     packaged. You'll find all the details in the following chapters.


2. How perl itself is packaged

     Each perl-$version source package will build at least
     perl-$version-base, perl-$version, perl-$version-doc,
     perl-$version-suid and perl-$version-debug.

     You can also have things like perl-$version-thread or
     perl-$version-libperl (or libperl-$version) depending on the perl
     version and on the motivation of the perl maintainer. :-)

     As perl-5.004 and perl-5.005 may be installed at the same time, the
     files must be installed in versionned directories so that one package
     does not overwrite the other's files. But they should cooperate so
     that the man page refers to the good version of perl (/usr/bin/perl)
     and so that /usr/bin/perl will always be the latest perl.

     Perl should always look for modules in /usr/lib/perl5 as it's the
     standard directory used for installing non-binary perl modules.

2.1. perl-$version-base

     A Debian system must always have a working /usr/bin/perl as it's used
     by postinsts and by numerous scripts called from postints like
     adduser, update-alternatives and so on.

     To achieve this goal, a perl-$version-base package must always be
     installed. That's the reason why the fake package perl-base is
     essential and depends on perl5-base that is provided by all
     perl-$version-base packages.

2.2. perl-$version

     This is the standard perl package containing all the modules shipped
     with the perl sources. It should provide perl5 so that perl scripts do
     not need to worry about which perl-$version is the current one. It
     does depend on perl-$version-base as it does not provide the perl


3. Packaging perl modules

3.1. Recommendations for all modules

     First, if you package a module Foo::Bar you should call your package

     In order to configure your perl module you can use something like this

     At the top of debian/rules :

ifndef PERL
PERL = /usr/bin/perl

TMP     =`pwd`/debian/tmp
archlib =`$(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{installarchlib}'`
config  =INSTALLDIRS=perl INSTALLMAN1DIR=$(TMP)/usr/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=$(TMP)/usr/man/man3 INSTALLPRIVLIB=$(TMP)/usr/lib/perl5 INSTALLARCHLIB=$(TMP)$(archlib)

     And in the build target :

          $(PERL) Makefile.PL $(config)
          make CFLAGS="-O2 -g -Wall"

     And for installing the module in the tree :

          make pure_install

     Be sure to remove .packlist file installed automatically. You can add
     those lines for example :

find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type f -name .packlist | xargs -r rm -f
find `pwd`/debian/tmp -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir -p --no-fail-on-non-empty

3.1.1. Managing perl dependencies automatically

     As you may have noticed, we do not have hardcored any specific perl
     version in the build process but the package may have to depend on a
     specific perl version (generally the version that has been used to
     build it). In order to never hardcore any perl version, we'll try to
     use a substitution. Instead to write "perl-5.005" or "perl5" in the
     control file we'll use "${perl:Depends}" and the build process will
     add a line "perl:Depends=what_is_needeed" to the substvars file.

     In order to generate this substitution you can use dh_perlcheck that
     is provided with debhelper. Or you can manage that yourself by adding
     the good lines in your rules file.

     If you want to know the version of perl that you're currently using
     for the build you can use something like that :

          version = `$(PERL) -e 'printf "%.3f", $$]'`

3.2. Non-binary perl modules

     They must be installed in /usr/lib/perl5 and must depend on perl5.

3.3. Binary perl modules

     They must be installed in /usr/lib/perl/$version/$arch-linux and must
     depend on perl-$version.

     You may want to provide a threaded version of the module which will be
     installed in /usr/lib/perl5/$version/$arch-linux-thread. You can
     provide the threaded module in the same package or in another package
     called libfoo-bar-perl-thread.

     The binary modules must always be built with the latest perl available
     in Debian. You can build the module for an older version of perl but
     in that case you must call the module package accordingly by
     specifying the perl version at the end of the package name (ie


4. Packaging perl scripts

     This is very simple, perl scripts should always use /usr/bin/perl and
     should depend on perl5. At the present time you cannot setup a
     versionned dependency on perl5 as dpkg doesn't support this. However
     you can be sure that perl5 is >= 5.004.05. If you really need to make
     sure that you have perl5.005 then you should depend on perl-5.005 (and
     here you can use a versionned dependency). But you'll have to update
     your dependency when perl-5.006 comes out and so on, so it's not very

     Take care to include any dependency on a perl module as they are not
     automatically detected by the standard tools like the libraries are.
     Lintian may warn you about such problems.

     If the script does have very special needs such as a specific version
     of perl then you'll need to use #!/usr/bin/perl-5.004 (I take 5.004 as
     an example but you should replace 5.004 by whatever old version of
     perl you are needing) and you'll need to add a dependency to
     perl-5.004. If it does furthermore request some binary modules then
     you'll need to package thoses modules especially for perl-5.004
     instead of the latest perl (beeing perl-5.005 or whatever else). Those
     modules packaged for old perls will have to add the perl version in
     their package name. For a module Foo::Bar, instead of calling the
     package libfoo-bar-perl you'll have to call it libfoo-bar-perl-5.004.


     Debian Perl policy

     Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Find dependencies on perl stuff

# Possible extensions :
# - check for require 5.00X to know if we need to depend on a specific perl
# - check for #!/usr/bin/perl-5.00X

BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/lib/debhelper" }
use Dh_Lib;

my $perl = $ENV{'PERL'} || '/usr/bin/perl';
my $version = `$perl -e 'printf "%.3f", \$]'`;

verbose_print("Package compiled with perl-$version ($perl) !");

foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {

	my ($file, $v, $arch);
	my $dep_arch = '';
	my $dep = '';
	my $found = 0;

	foreach $file (split(/\n/,`find $TMP -type f -name "*.pm"`)) {
		if ($file =~ m<^$TMP/usr/lib/perl5/(\d\.\d{3})/([^/]+)/>) {
			$v = $1;
			$arch = $2;
			print STDERR "WARNING: a module has been found " .
			"in perl-$v arch directory. \n         But " .
			"perl-$version is the perl currently used ...\n" 
			unless ($v eq $version);
			$v .= '-thread' if ($arch =~ /-thread/);
			if (not $dep_arch) {
				$dep_arch = "perl-$v";
			} else {
				$dep_arch .= ", perl-$v"
				   unless ($dep_arch =~ /perl-$v/);
		} elsif ($file =~ m<^$TMP/usr/lib/perl5/>) {

	if ($found and not $dep_arch) {
		$dep = "perl5";
	} elsif ($dep_arch) {
		$dep = $dep_arch;

	next if not $dep;
	if (-e "debian/$EXT\subtsvars") {
		system('perl -i -ne "print $_ unless /^perl:Depends=/;"'
		       .' debian/' . $EXT . 'substvars');
		open (S, ">>debian/$EXT\substvars") || die "$!";
	} else {
	  	open (S, ">debian/$EXT\substvars")  || die "$!";
	print S "perl:Depends=$dep\n";
	close S;

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