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GSoC weekly report of Distro Tracker Improvements (Week 9)


I'm a little late with this report =/

During week I worked on improving the performance of table rendering. My code is already merged [1] and is working on production environment. Now, rendering a complete table with several packages is much faster than it was.

Also, I worked on highlighting RC bugs in the BugStatsTableField. To this end, I made this field extensible for vendor-specific features. Debian app uses a specific template to render this field which highlight packages with RC bugs and adds the correspoding BTS link for each bug category. I've just seen the suggestions of Hertzog in my MR [2] which will require a refactoring effort.

Raphäel Hertzog pointed that, while the performance improvement are noticable, he believes that we should aim to go further than the provided improvements. Therefore, in week 10, I'm working on using caching mechanisms to pre-compute packages tables' content. Improve the performance of the implemented dynamic tables turned out to be pretty challenging. In the next report I can give more details on that.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/merge_requests/42
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/merge_requests/43

Arthur de Moura Del Esposte
Software Engineer

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