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GSoC weekly report of Distro Tracker Improvements (Week 8)


This week I've got another MR accepted [1]. It changes team's page to show a small set of packages in its table. Now, each table has a "Show More" link to a specific page for that table [2]. This new page shows the full table's content.

However, as I mentioned in my last report, we found some critical performance issues while rendering tables with a large number of packages, such as for Perl team which has more than 3000 packages.  Consequently, in this week I've been discussing with Hertzog and Kanashiro how to tackle the performance problems. By using some monitoring tools, such as django-debugging-toolbar [4], I found some bottlenecks. I already provided a new Merge Request with a set of improvements to reduce the amount of memory required and to improve the response time.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/merge_requests/40
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/teams/common-lisp-team/
[3] https://tracker.debian.org/teams/common-lisp-team/+table/general/
[4] https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar
[5] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/merge_requests/42
Arthur de Moura Del Esposte
Software Engineer

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