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GSoC Week 7 Report

In the last week I was working on libjingle but integrating libjingle was a big task so therefore I paused it for a while and moved to the next task which involved supporting TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) for the client and server connection. I have started working on the task and will explain more in upcoming week.
This week I will work on sslconnection and implement TLS SNI on both the side (client and server).

On 5 July 2016 at 23:57, Udit Raikwar <udit043.ur@gmail.com> wrote:
Last week I was reading and finding the sipX api used in the project and the equivalent libjingle api that can be used in the project. I have made relation among the sipX api and libjingle and post it on my wiki page (https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2016/StudentApplications/UditRaikwar). I am trying to implement libjingle in the project. 
Libjingle builds a STUN server which implements the STUN protocol for simple traversal of UDP over NAT. In the coming week I will work on integrating libjingle with the reflow.

On 28 June 2016 at 12:50, Udit Raikwar <udit043.ur@gmail.com> wrote:

The bug: https://project.freertc.org/issues/28 which I have to solve depends on one other bug: https://project.freertc.org/issues/27 . My task is to enable webRTC client support which includes the conference call feature and for implementing this I need to introduce libjingle in resiprocate project.

Currently the resiprocate uses sipX API for connection. This api lacks in providing many codecs and protocols for the webrtc interoperability. More information about this is given here: https://www.resiprocate.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=93.

Downloading libjingle source code was not easy because libjingle has been moved from stand alone project and merged to the webrtc. On googling I got some libjingle version from http://www.antepedia.com/detail/p/libjingle.html.

I have downloaded two versions 0.4.0 and 0.6.14 and tried to compile them. On compiling both the version I got too many errors, many files didn't include the header file and many files contains c++11 features. To compile the c++11 features I need to pass the flag 'std=c++11' to the compiler. Also third party application scons(www.scons.org) was used for compiling and making the object and executable file of the libjingle. Linking library in scons was time taking task.

After modifying more than 20 files, I successfully compiled both the versions and both are ready to use. I have uploaded all the files to github:

libjingle version 0.4.0: https://github.com/udit043/libjingle-0.4.0

libjingle version 0.6.14: https://github.com/udit043/libjingle-0.6.14

I have to implement the libjingle in the branch 'b-counterpath-recon-20130424': https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/tree/b-counterpath-recon-20130424

I have created one branch 'udit-webrtc': https://github.com/udit043/resiprocate/tree/udit-webrtc

This branch was created with branch 'b-counterpath-recon-20130424' and then merged with the master. But on merging there were some Merge Conflicts mainly inside the 'reflow' directory.

In next week I will try to solve merge conflicts and integrate libjingle with resiprocate.

On 20 June 2016 at 17:46, Udit Raikwar <udit043.ur@gmail.com> wrote:

Last week I had updated all the files inside resiprocate project, there were 32 files that needed to be updated. Also I had created a Pull Request: 32 files updated, 1 file created and configure.ac file updated for successful build in Travis-CI, For quick view of all the files that I have updated please visit.

During fourth week I have updated Errdes.hxx header file for printing the error message with the error number.
E.g. If error number is 22 then log error message will be,
“socket error EINVAL (Invalid argument) 22”
If error number is negative or unknown error occur then log message will be,
“socket error Unknown error errno” (e.g. “socket error Unknown error -48”)

I have also made documentation of the bug that I have solved. I have started working on next bug which I have to solve.

On 14 June 2016 at 12:28, Udit Raikwar <udit043.ur@gmail.com> wrote:
During third week I have updated all the files inside resiprocate project that contains numeric error codes, there were 32 files that needed to be updated, 32 files which I have updated are as follow:   
   -> resiprocate/resip/stack 
          - ConnectionManager.cxx
          - DateCategory.cxx
          - GenericPidfContents.cxx
          - InternalTransport.cxx
          - TcpBaseTransport.cxx
          - TcpConnection.cxx
          - TransportSelector.cxx
   -> resiprocate/resip/stack/test
          - dumpTls.cxx
          - Resolver.cxx
          - testSipStackInvite.cxx
          - Transceiver
   -> resiprocate/resip/stack/ssl
          - DtlsTransport.cxx
          - Security.cxx
          - TlsConnection.cxx
   -> resiprocate/resip/recon/MOHParkServer
          - HttpBase.cxx
   -> resiprocate/rutil
          - FileSystem.cxx 
          - DnsUtil.cxx   
          - ServerProcess.cxx 
          - Socket.cxx 
    -> resiprocate/tfm
          - Resolver.cxx
          - TestRtp.cxx  
    -> resiprocate/repro
          - HttpBase.cxx
          - HttpConnection.cxx 
          - RegSyncClient.cxx 
          - XmlRpcConnection.cxx
          - XmlRpcServerBase.cxx
    -> resiprocate/apps/clicktocall
          - HttpBase.cxx 
          - HttpConnection.cxx
          - XmlRpcConnection.cxx
          - XmlRpcServerBase.cxx 
    -> resiprocate/apps/ichat-gw  
          - MediaRelay.cxx 

One new header file created in directory:
    -> resiprocate/rutil
          - Errdes.hxx

 - Created Pull Request:
 32 files updated, 1 file created and configure.ac file updated for successful build in Travis-Ci.

On 7 June 2016 at 00:56, Udit Raikwar <udit043.ur@gmail.com> wrote:
I have done following things in past two weeks : 

Week 1:
- Successfully installed and configured resiprocate.
- Read codes and discuss with mentor about the format of logging message.
- Define new functions for converting error codes into string.
- (eg socket error 22” into socket error EINVAL (Invalid argument)”)
- Create header file 'Errdes.hxx' and cxx file 'Errdes.cxx' for performing this task.
- Successfully test it on TlsConnection.cxx file

Week 2:
- Update header file with new functions.
- Update files inside 
   -> Resip/Stack
          - ConnectionManager.cxx
          - DateCategory.cxx
          - GenericPidfContents.cxx
          - InternalTransport.cxx
          - TcpBaseTransport.cxx
          - TcpConnection.cxx
          - TransportSelector.cxx
   -> Resip/Stack/Test
          - dumpTls.cxx
          - Resolver.cxx
          - testSipStackInvite.cxx
          - Transceiver
   -> Resip/Stack/SSL
          - DtlsTransport.cxx
          - Security.cxx
          - TlsConnection.cxx
   -> Resip/Stack/Recon
          - HttpBase.cxx
 - Created Pull Request
In the next week i will update all other files inside resiprocate project and commit it to the repository and update the pull request.
Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.

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