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GSoC 2016 Week 3: Android SDK Tools in Debian


This week I worked on pkg:apktool,
src:android-platform-frameworks-base (f/b), and the multiple packages
built from it.
I had to split my fellow student's changes to another branch from
master [1], as there was some stuff which I worked in master which
needs to be released.
It makes apktool functional (by the addition of framework-res.apk),
and I also fixed another bug where apktool put files in ~/apktool,
making it use a better path.

I worked on all of the above by pushing the changes first to my forks
at [2], getting them reviewed, improving them and then finally pushing
them to Alioth git (I got commit access to the android-tools

I have also just pushed a patch [3] which sets a more restrictive
rpath, as allowed by the Debian policy. Will be getting that reviewed
tomorrow, and then push it to alioth.

I also kept updated the wiki page I created [4] to document the
android build process.

While working on all of this, I also gained a lot of knowledge by
reading the Debian developer manuals [5]. I had read the maintainer
guide in detail before, as well as part of the others, but this week I
had to go through a lot more of the other manuals.
Discussion with my mentors on IRC as well as e-mail, and also with the
debian community in general (in #debian-mentors) was helpful too.

To end this report, this week (going by the report) felt a bit small
as the last report I sent was on Tuesday, however from now on I'll
make sure to stick to Sundays for writing and sending the reports.

Chirayu Desai

[1]: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/android-platform-frameworks-base.git/commit/
[2]: https://gitlab.com/u/cde
[3]: https://gitlab.com/cde/debian_android-tools_android-platform-frameworks-base/commits/rpath/master
[4]: https://wiki.debian.org/AndroidTools/Build
[5]: https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals

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