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Re: Perhaps stupid request

Hi ... 

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 01:03:15PM +0100, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
>* Rene Horn <ndogg@geekhead.org> [020302 20:28]:
>> I know, but you don't actually have a listing showing what builds (and how to 
>> build those things) and what doesn't.  That's what I want.
>The Problem is, that there is currently only the one large build-script
>from the OpenOffice.org guys. This is like the code an very large
>moloch, on which altars any readability and debugability was sacrified.

I in doubt, that some people at Sun unstand the hole buildsystem for

>Complicated Problems have not yet shown, the problem is to locate the


There aren't BIG problems, but a lot of few ones. The most a related to
the bisonproblem, that bison 1.33 is to new for the OpenOffice build. :(

>I'm currentlly on the long-term approach to get the OO.o source build
>using automake and in reasonable pieces. (The source with all the 
>documentating is only 700MB and the compiled result about 100MB, so
>there is not much reason to need 9GB per build).

Whats your status, splitting up the source?

>Something that needs to be done but may need a little bit of knowledge
>for are the external sources used. Within the "external" directory there
>are the subdirectories:
>atl     	pgp
>cpp.lcc   	sane
>dt glibc  	util
>odbc  		ado
>psprint 	common
>twain  	download
>zlib 		freetype
>X11  		jpeg
>audio   	npsdk
>dmake     	prj
>expat     	std2
>gpc    	w4w
>Someone should investigate which of them are still used, and how they
>are patched. I think expat is still used for the whole file formats
>and the patches seem the change the types used by the lib. (Or maybe
>only adding some with names compatbile to sal). It would be very
>usefull, if someone would go there and look how the libraries within
>Debian can be used, so that we need not ship these libs two times.)

I would say, the most of them are build in the bootstrap-prozess. So it
should be possible to get rid off the bootprozess and build OpenOffice



>	Bernhard R. Link
>The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve 
>nor will he ever receive either. (Benjamin Franklin)

One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

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