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Re: Future development

Hi Ken!

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 12:32:40AM +1000, Ken Foskey wrote:
>>Have you considered running a semi-public development CVS Repository
>>for the OpenOffice source already?  You could request /cvs/openoffice
>>on cvs.debian.org and move the current source into it.
>Why have two source repositories.  This seems a little risky.   If you 
>can package getting the correct support libraries and doing the current 
>cvs get command so that there are fewer people trying to get head from 
>oo.org.   The package could be updated when official releases are 
>anounced and verified.

Hmmm ... to get a debian-package, I think, we should say, 
	take the source of OpenOffice 6.0 and work with that, no updates, only
	patches against it to get it running on debian!

Then a cvs-repositorie makes sense!

>>This way, more people can use the current code with all current
>>patches in order to improve the system and be able to build packages
>>earlier.  The repository could be accessed though cvs/pserver so more
>>people can get involved.
>I am concerned with the patches on the external components.  The 
>community needs to validate and apply them to the appropriate upstream 
>libraries.   We can then work on splitting out the external stuff out 
>from core OO source.

ok ... any hints to get off the javac dependencies and go over to
gcj/kaffe, if Java is really required.

Is it possible to kick Java in OpenOffice at all?

>>For packaging, I'd suggest using DBS and not the native Debian
>>packaging system.  This way you'd benefit from collecting small
>>patches instead of building one huge patch against the native package
>>out of it.  One problem though, documentation is not easy to
>>find...  For an example, see Apache or XFree86 packages.
>What patches are you intending?   I am a recent convert and not done 
>open development so forgive my ignorance.

We have a patch to debianise the source and I think, we have to work to
get it build on several arches!

These Patches might become great, i think!

>>I'm little concerned about the progress of this package...
>It is only now that I would consider creating a package.   When I first 
>started the build was just about impossible, now I might even be able to 
>work on it instead of just struggling with it.

I have to ask again, how you can build it. I didn't get it build on sid...
really ... 

how did you do it?


One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

Version: 3.12
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