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Re: Future development

Hi joey ...

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 03:45:34PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
>What are the plans for future development for OpenOffice packages for

I'm in doubt to take the whole source in debian ... just an overkill,
but split the source into many packages will take much time!

>Have you considered running a semi-public development CVS Repository
>for the OpenOffice source already?  You could request /cvs/openoffice
>on cvs.debian.org and move the current source into it.

Hmmm the idea is good, but two cvs are senseless, I think! But on the
other hand, it would make impossible to make an initial mirror of
OpenOffice 6.0 on a debian-cvs repository to work on it to get a debian
package of it.

>This way, more people can use the current code with all current
>patches in order to improve the system and be able to build packages
>earlier.  The repository could be accessed though cvs/pserver so more
>people can get involved.

Who should be asked to initialize the cvs/debian-openoffice?

>For packaging, I'd suggest using DBS and not the native Debian
>packaging system.  This way you'd benefit from collecting small
>patches instead of building one huge patch against the native package
>out of it.  One problem though, documentation is not easy to
>find...  For an example, see Apache or XFree86 packages.

I have to look at the docs of it! I will do it up to tomorrow!
>I'm little concerned about the progress of this package...


One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

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