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Re: Help packaging an octave toolbox

On 6/12/20 1:27 AM, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
also, a side question, I noticed some octave packages also have a matlab-* package, like this one


my toolbox is also compatible with both, do I need to create a separate package for matlab?

Why not?  Notice that there is also a matlab-gdf package.

hi Rafael,

I am wondering if you can help me verify my matlab package file structure - for some reason, after installing the matlab-* package (already have matlab R2020a installed, also installed matlab-support), and starting matlab, I was not able to find the function - is this behavior expected?

here is my folder structure before packaging

├── matlab-zmat
│   ├── DEBIAN
│   │   ├── control
│   │   ├── md5sums
│   │   ├── postinst
│   │   └── prerm
│   └── usr
│       ├── share
│       │   ├── doc
│       │   │   └── matlab-zmat
│       │   │       ├── changelog.Debian.gz
│       │   │       ├── changelog.gz
│       │   │       └── copyright
│       │   └── matlab
│       │       └── site
│       │           └── m
│       │               └── zmat
│       │                   ├── example
│       │                   │   └── demo_zmat_basic.m
│       │                   └── zmat.m
│       └── src
│           └── matlab
│               └── zmat
│                   └── zmat.cpp

and this is the /usr/share/matlab/site/m/zmat folder after installation (which builds the mex file)

├── debian
│   └── debconf.template
└── site
    └── m
        └── zmat
            ├── example
            │   └── demo_zmat_basic.m
            ├── zipmat.mexa64 -> /usr/lib/matlab/site/zmat/zipmat.mexa64
            └── zmat.m

if possible, I would also like to check on the folder structure for a "regular" octave toolbox installed using "dh $@ --buildsystem=octave --with=octave", see this new package


for some reason, all .m files in the inst folder does not show up in the octave package, did I miss something?



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