debian-ocaml-maint Jun 2015 by thread
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Bug#789251: extlib: Missing version in META file. David Martínez Moreno
Bug#789331: dose-deb-coinstall: manual page talks about dose-debcoinstall instead Helmut Grohne
Bug#789354: FTBFS: rpm/librpm4_stubs.c:221:18: error: 'RPMTAG_SUGGESTSNAME' undeclared Stéphane Glondu
Bug#789402: FTBFS with OCaml 4.02.2: Some fatal warnings were triggered Stéphane Glondu
Bug#789403: FTBFS with OCaml 4.02.2: Some fatal warnings were triggered Stéphane Glondu
Processed: block 789133 with 789354 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: reassign 694925 to src:dragonegg, reassign 696519 to src:dragonegg, reassign 487738 to src:parted ... Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 789354 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: limit source to dose3, tagging 789331 Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: [Caml-list] mips32 backend without floating point hardware Stéphane Glondu
Bug#789614: FTBFS with OCaml 4.02.2: Some fatal warnings were triggered Stéphane Glondu
Bug#789619: FTBFS: Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! Stéphane Glondu
User-contributed coq libraries Riley Baird
Bug#789191: Removed package(s) from unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of dose3_3.3-4_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
dose3_3.3-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Accepted approx 5.5-2 (source amd64) into unstable Eric Cooper
Bug#504503: unison: Bug fixed upstream in 2.48.3 Reuben Thomas
Processed: raising severity for GCC 5 issues, please fix these now (see Debian Bug Tracking System
apron is marked for autoremoval from testing Debian testing autoremoval watch
why is marked for autoremoval from testing Debian testing autoremoval watch
Bug#790062: FTBFS with OCaml 4.02.2 Stéphane Glondu
Change in typing between OCaml 4.01.0 and 4.02.2... Stéphane Glondu
dose3 is marked for autoremoval from testing Debian testing autoremoval watch
opam is marked for autoremoval from testing Debian testing autoremoval watch
Bug#790422: Parsing.Parse_error Joachim Breitner
Bug#778680: mysql-ocaml: Build-Depends on libmysqlclient15-dev which will no longer exist soon Martin Michlmayr
Processed: Update title Debian Bug Tracking System
mysql-ocaml is marked for autoremoval from testing Debian testing autoremoval watch
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