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Re: CamlPDF update

Hi Stéphane

Stéphane Glondu wrote:
Le 04/12/2013 19:25, John Whitington a écrit :
To answer your earlier points (I forgot your email until now -- sorry):

a) It's hard to rely on an external miniz.c, because the configuration
happens in the miniz.c file itself, by changing macros at the top.

b) The change to camlzip is, in essence, just replacing "#include
<zlib.h>" with "#include<miniz.c>". In CamlPDF, I removed other bits of
CamlZip I don't use to reduce binary size, but in the next version, I
will try another solution -- perhaps patching it at build time from
virgin source.

The reason I don't rely on external software and copy source files
directly is that I need customers to be able to compile our pdf command
line tools on a system with just OCaml installed. For example, our
biggest sale last year was to a customer running HP/UX, and I can't risk
those sales by making it harder for them to compile.

I thought as much. I was more suggesting to probe for an already
installed camlzip and use it if present (which should be possible if I
understand you correctly), and fallback to the current embedded (miniz +
camlzip) otherwise. Would you accept a patch that does that?

Certainly. Thanks.

I've pushed a fix to pdfafmdata.ml in the master, and I'll do a point release soon, once I have some other fixes in.


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