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Re: CamlPDF update

Hi Stéphane

Stéphane Glondu wrote:
Le 30/11/2013 15:28, Stéphane Glondu a écrit :
  * In pdfafmdata.ml, there is embedded data that is copyright Adobe with
    no clear license. I could not find its origin.

After further investigation, I bumped into:


pdfafmdata.ml is basically the contents of the linked zip file, which
comes with a notice:

        This file and the 14 PostScript(R) AFM
        files it accompanies may be used, copied,
        and distributed for any purpose and without
        charge, with or without modification,
        provided that all copyright notices are
        retained; that the AFM files are not
        distributed without this file; that all
        modifications to this file or any of the
        AFM files are prominently noted in the
        modified file(s); and that this paragraph
        is not modified. Adobe Systems has no
        responsibility or obligation to support the
        use of the AFM files.

IMHO, CamlPDF violates these terms by not distributing the notice with
the AFM data.

It looks like you're right -- I'll push something to fix this tomorrow, either in the license file, the source file, or both.

To answer your earlier points (I forgot your email until now -- sorry):

a) It's hard to rely on an external miniz.c, because the configuration happens in the miniz.c file itself, by changing macros at the top.

b) The change to camlzip is, in essence, just replacing "#include <zlib.h>" with "#include <miniz.c>". In CamlPDF, I removed other bits of CamlZip I don't use to reduce binary size, but in the next version, I will try another solution -- perhaps patching it at build time from virgin source.

The reason I don't rely on external software and copy source files directly is that I need customers to be able to compile our pdf command line tools on a system with just OCaml installed. For example, our biggest sale last year was to a customer running HP/UX, and I can't risk those sales by making it harder for them to compile.

You're right that it's not ideal for the open source release though.

With Thanks,

John Whitington

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