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Re: Uploaders automatically set to the last nth workers on a pkg

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 09:34:41AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 07:44:09AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > Notice that this will automatically drop me from uploaders, which i
> Well, not necessarily. You have an alioth account, and even if it gets
> dropped you can have a -guest alioth account. With that you can
> work/commit in our repository.
> At that point the policy would be fair with everyone: the last nth
> people who worked on a package will be listed. It's just up to you to
> decide whether you want to work on which packages or not.

Ah, hadn't though about that, but notice that the changelog entry will
be attributed to the guy who lastly edit it, which is usually the guy
who uploads the package (thus not me). Does the script take into account
sub-entries in the changelog or only the main entry name ?

That said, in this automated world, can we easily distinguish between a
contributor which should be uploader, and one which is a mere
contributor ?

> > Another impact is the effect of removing the uploader field on the PTS
> > pages, but this should probably be solved by a more configurable PTS
> > page (where you could list the packages which interest you, probably
> > in different order and groupping even).
> Uhm, why so? The Uploaders information is in the Sources file, and it's
> just a matter of uploading the correct debian/control. It seems to me
> that the Gnome guys are using a control.in (as we do in some OCaml
> packages), it's just a matter of relying upon it ... (I understand it
> can be a nuisance though).

The PTS will list all packages you are a maintainer for, as well as
those you are uploader.

Since the maintainer is the mailing list, the ocaml packages are
automatically attributed as co-maintainership to each uploader. If you
get dropped from it, because you didn't upload it in some time or
whatever, they will automatically be dropped from the PTS
package-per-maintainer page, thus giving you less overview of the
packages you care about.

If you could configure and organise the ppackage-per-maintainer PTS
page, you could simply add packages you are interested in and not
uploader, and this would not be a problem.

I don't think you understood me right, or else i didn't understand yoru
answer (or both :)).


Sven Luther

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