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Re: ocaml 3.10.0 packages news

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 16:32 -0400, Mike Furr wrote:
> Several 
> build environments seem to check for what is installed, but I don't 
> think any of them actually do anything different based on what is 
> installed.  ocamlopt and ocamlopt.opt are almost always operationally 
> equivalent (except for the rare compiler stack-overflow).

Felix chooses the 'best' compiler from this order:


unless told to use bytecode (ocamlc variant). However at the moment
use of the dypgen extensible GLR parser is making a stack overflow
in dypgen executable AND stack overflow in ocaml native code 
generating compilers when processing the Felix grammar on a 32 bit
machine (on Cygwin at least).

It would actually be nice if there were a way to build an executable
in both forms and choose which to use: bytecode offers 
better diagnostics and debugging capability but is much slower.
Unfortunately I can't think of an easy way to do it .. perhaps

	bin/byte/flxg   # bytecode version
	bin/native/flxg # native code version

and then use PATH to chose, or symlink or copy into bin, or even make
a directory 


symlinked (or copied) to (from) one of the bin/byte or bin/native.

For different reasons Felix won't build on ia64 on Debian autobuilder,
probably due to bugs in Ocaml native code compilers for that arch.

John Skaller <skaller at users dot sf dot net>
Felix, successor to C++: http://felix.sf.net

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