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Re: [bugreport] lablgtk un{st,us}able

Sven Luther <luther@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr> writes:


> Now, back to the above problem.
> The correct way of testing lablgtk examples is with :
> lablgtk [-labels]
> /usr/share/doc/liblablgtk-ocaml-dev/examples/hello.ml.

Well, I was not thinking about testing lablgtk examples. I was only
thinking about the ocamlfind problem.

> Now, lablgtk evidently includes the init.cmo, so this cause no problem.
> I think, since it is best not to deviate from upstream practices, to
> keep things as is, and have a more adequate documentation, in the
> examples/README file. ... Huh, there is no such file, maybe i will add
> one then.

It would be interesting. But I believe it is documented into one of the
upstream doc (yes, it is into

> Now, another idea, would be to add a little test at the end of each
> example file, and add a new variable to the gtkInit (and gtkThInit)
> module, and just access it or whatever in the examples. If the variable
> name is sufficiently explicit (forgot_to_link_gtkInit or something
> such), then each user trying to run the examples will get an error at
> compile time, and not at run time as before.

I believe it's better to let those file like they are upstream.

Rémi Vanicat

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