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Re: About Cameleon


> I'm sorry to answer in french but I do not want to risk that my post
> would be misunderstood (sometimes, broken english is dangerous ;-)

I'll take the risk :-)
> (j'ai l'impression que) Depuis l'arrivé de Maxence dans l'équipe
> OCaml, bcp de choses se sont accélérées en faveurs de la disponibilité
> d'outils sympas (favorisant une utilisation + large/confortable
> d'OCaml). 

Since May, 9th 2001 I was employed at the Cristal Project to 
develop tools in order to make OCaml usable (that is 'more productive')
by industrial users. So tried to build too which make the
development process faster and eventually safer (by using the 
strong-typing system of OCaml). I hope I didn't fail :-)

But this job was for 18 months only, and should have finished
in next november. So, since I need to eat and have a roof
(not to mention pay my ADSL line), I chose to try to pass
the 'concours d'ingénieur de recherche' at INRIA. I got the
job, beginning in september. I won't be in the Cristal project
anymore, but i will try to spare some time to keep maintaining
and developing my tools. For this reason it will be easier 
for me to keep all my tools (well, at least my development tools)
in one package/tarball.

Another reason is that a lot of users at complaining about all
the packages to install separately to install, for example, epeire.

> Sachant que l'équipe OCaml fonctionne sur des ressources humaines
> réduites, il me semble prioritaire pour l'instant de favoriser les
> développements amonts. Si Maxence estime qu'il sera plus facile pour
> lui de gérer Cameleon de manière globale, il faut le suivre...

Thanks Georges ;-)
> Pour ce que je sais de la construction de paquet, il me semble que
> cela ne pose pas trop de problème de générer des paquets distincts
> pour les différentes applis à partir d'un tarball (en spécifiant les
> dépendances adéquates pour obtenir la souplesse que Jérôme souhaite)

In the next release of Cameleon, each tool is in a directory with
its own Makefile (with each its install and installopt targets), so
I think it should not be difficult to create various packages from
one tarball. If I can facilitate the creation of various packages,
by adding targets in Makefiles for example, let me know.

I'll try to provide a rpm package, too.

Once the debian packages are ready, i'd like to reference them on my page
(or host them).



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